Réalisation de l'agence BUZZMAN
Fast Pass - BURGER KING® - BUZZMAN - agence Publicité / communication / 360
Since Burger King came back to France in 2015, each of our opening is seen as a huge event and the queue people have to face to enter our restaurants rather look like the launch of the new iphone than a “simple” fast food restaurant opening.
People were patient at the beginning but after few months, they started to complain about the brand and about these never-ending queues we have in our restaurants.
Instead of our ignoring this problem we decided to face it and turn this negative atmosphere into something positive for the brand. How? By using the only device that people eagerly lining in front of our restaurants were paying attention to: their mobile.
Whopper Fast Pass is the first mobile game ever created to skip the line in front of our restaurants. We of course developed it to entertain people waiting for hours to enter our restaurants but it was also a way to launch our first brand mobile application in France as people had to download the Burger King France application to enjoy this game.
The game itself is really simple: all you have to do is select your menu and defend it against swarm of hungry hands. If you last longer enough, you win a Fast Pass to jump the queue.
With less than 20 restaurants in France and no media investment, the application has been downloaded 230 000 times.
Consumers are now enjoying their time lining in Burger King and more than 1 million games were played until now. Around 10 000 fast past were won allowing the winners to skip the line.
More than 80 articles were written about the campaign in the main media in France (4 845 000 potential contacts) and a lot of people were talking about the app on social networks.
- Annonceur : BURGER KING®
- Marque : BURGER KING®
- Type de média : Digital / Étude de cas
- 1ère diffusion : Octobre 2014
- Pays : France
- Date de mise en ligne : 6 juin 2015
- Agence : BUZZMAN
- Grand Prix Stratégies du Marketing Client 2015 : PrixAnimation, campagne sur le point de vente
Réalisations de l’agence BUZZMAN