Réalisation de l'agence FRED & FARID Paris
The Seed Sower - Shang Xia - FRED & FARID Paris - agence Publicité / communication / 360
SHANG XIA is a soulful Chinese brand, created by Jiang Qiong Er and French luxury brand Hermes. It aims at protecting and celebrating traditional Chinese craftsmanship, but with modern contemporary design.
To touch the soulful audience, honestly interested in the brand’s way of life and philosophy, on the occasion of SHANGXIA-opening-in-Paris, we invented the story of a mysterious masked man, wearing the traditional Han Fu. He traveled from China and brought the “culture” seeds to Paris. We let the curiosity grow in social networks until the brand revealed the truth in the official opening.
This case found the right balance between social media conversations’ rules, and the spirit of a luxury soulful brand.
Date (on air): Aug 23rd, 2013
Executive Creative Directors: FRED & FARIDCreative Director: FENG HUANGArt Director: YIQING LIPhotographer: PIERRICK JEGOUCopywriter: FRANKIE SHENAgency Producer: TERRY JINStrategic Planner: YI ZHANGAccount Manager: CHAN LIAccount Director: GREGOIRE CHALOPINProduction Company: KILLDEATHAgency Producer: DEJI ODULATEMusic: DOU WEI
- Annonceur : Shang Xia
- Marque : Shang Xia
- Type de média : Digital, Médias sociaux
- 1ère diffusion : Décembre 2013
- Pays : chine
- Date de mise en ligne : 26 février 2014
- Agence : FRED & FARID Paris
- Executive Creative Directors : FRED & FARID
- Creative Director : FENG HUANG
- Art Director : YIQING LI
- Photographer : PIERRICK JEGOU
- Copywriter : FRANKIE SHEN
- Agency Producer : TERRY JIN
- Strategic Planner : YI ZHANG
- Account Manager : CHAN LI
- Account Director : GREGOIRE CHALOPIN
- Production Company : KILLDEATH
- Agency Producer : DEJI ODULATE
- Music : DOU WEI
Réalisations de l’agence FRED & FARID Paris