For a burn victim, being in a public place often means being observed, stared at. Those stares make them feel as if they are freaks. TBWAParis and burns victim advocates, Burn & Smiles, have created a campaign to make people realise that the freaks, or monsters, are not the victims. The campaign asks those who point or stare to rethink who the monsters are.

The poster campaign is running in OOH throughout France and in social media. Since 2015, Burns & Smiles has been on a mission to help burn survivors return to a normal life by raising awareness for their cause. This campaign will allow Burns & Smiles to bring this fight to the heart of the public space and embody it through a symbol: the eye. The eye will be used on other communication and information supports.

Client: Association Burns & Smiles
Founder: Laurent Gaudens
Agency: TBWAParis
Executive Creative Directors: Benjamin Marchal & Faustin Claverie
Art Director: Marie Carrasco
Copywriter: Timothée Le Maître
Account Management : Marc Fraissinet & Laurence Collavini
Art Buyers: Isabelle Jaubert & Mathilde Fort
Illustrators : Ben Bauchau (Supermarket), Siou (Stairwell, University auditorium)