News de l'agence TBWA\

Shots – McDonald’s launches an infinite debate into space

McDonald's launches an infinite debate into space

A Big Mac with different ingredient from the Big Mac Original, is it really a Big Mac?



ABig Mac with different ingredient from the Big Mac Original, is it really a Big Mac?

Each new recipe variation (Big Mac BLT, Big Mac Bacon etc.) provokes a debate within the Big Mac fan base. Between the irreducible conservative of the original recipe and the one for whom a revisited Big Mac is sometimes even better than the Big Mac Original, the debate is not about to stop!

In line with the saga deployed in recent years, McDonald’s and TBWAPariscreate a new opus for the release of the Big Mac Chicken further pushing this endless debate: in space.

Two protagonists debate fervently, in a space shuttle, with the only argument being "Chicken", "Not chicken". A running gag that goes on and on and that fails to resolve the debate…